The Edge 2019

What is it?

The Edge is an immersive live performance that explores the heights and depths of the ‘reality’ fame machine: wealth, greed, and the need to be better than you are. A blurb from the programme: ‘A brand new TV show pitches raw talents against each other. A contest that will see them pushed to the extreme. Will they find they have the edge or will they fall over the ledge?’

Written by Edson Burton. Made by the young people of Bristol.

Video and photo credit: Creative Youth Network

what was my involvement?

I was enlisted by the producers, Creative Youth Network as the lead artist. This involved managing and co-ordinating a group of young artists, including myself to create the set, props and visual aesthetic of the show. I was also the composer for the production, composing a series of tense soundscapes, energetic musical pieces and poignant musical underscore to various monologues. I also was the lead live sound engineer for the performances, operating sound cues for a 10 speaker multi-system PA system over 3 floors of the Colston Hall building in Bristol, UK. 

If you have any specific questions about this project, please get in touch through the contact form. Thanks.